by KEITA kawasaki
Enter the unique world of flowers found only here.
HANA GRAPHIC ARTは、ただの写真作品ではありません。
たとえば、日本画がそうであるように、 あるいは、フラットな絵画空間を持つ日本発の現代美術作品のように、命を宿した植物の美しさは、「線」や「点」や「色」という構成要素の観点でとらえ直され、一定のコンセプトのもと、平面上に再構築されてゆきます。
消えゆくからこそ愛おしい「一瞬の美」のハーモニーを、抽象絵画のような画面のなかに、時を超えて半永久的に封じ込めたアート作品、それがHANA GRAPHIC ARTなのです。
"HANA GRAPHIC ART is more than just a photographic work. How to reproduce and convey the essence of the three-dimensionally blooming beauty of flowers onto a flat surface—. Renowned flower artist Keita Kawasaki, known worldwide, has created his own unique technique to express the charm of flowers and plants in a flat two-dimensional world, drawing from his extensive experience with them.
Similar to traditional Japanese painting or contemporary art originating from Japan with flat painted spaces, the beauty of living plants is reconsidered from the perspective of compositional elements such as 'lines,' 'dots,' and 'colors.' Under a certain concept, it is reconstructed on a flat surface."
"The sparkle of that fresh vitality, captured by the eyes and felt in the heart. The harmony of the beloved 'momentary beauty,' fleeting yet cherished, is encapsulated in a canvas resembling abstract paintings—artworks that transcend time and are perpetually preserved. This is the essence of HANA GRAPHIC ART."

KEITA kawasaki
東京生まれ。1982年、カリフォルニア芸術工芸大学卒業。以後、メディアや展覧会などで、既存のアレンジメントの常識を打ち破る斬新な作品を次々と発表し、現代フラワーデザイン界を牽引する。一方で、2006年から2013年まで、日本におけるフラワーデザインのパイオニア「マミフラワーデザインスクール」の主宰を務め、後進の育成にも力を注ぐ。2014年、アーティストとしての活動にいっそう注力すべく、オリジナルブランド「KEITA KAWASAKI」を立ちあげる。

Born in Tokyo. Graduated from California College of Arts and Crafts in 1982. Since then, he has continued to present innovative works that break through the conventional wisdom of existing arrangements in the media and at exhibitions, and has become a leader in the contemporary flower design world. Meanwhile, from 2006 to 2013, he served as the head of Mami Flower Design School, a pioneer in flower design in Japan, and is also dedicated to nurturing the next generation. In 2014, he launched his original brand "KEITA KAWASAKI" to further focus on his activities as an artist.
In various genres such as apparel, architecture, and interior design, he has advocated a ``new flower culture'' that breathes into daily life, and has established a unique style that conveys ``the importance of all living things'' through creations with flowers and plants as the theme. .
His creations are particularly well-regarded for his bold spatial installations that are similar to contemporary art. His works, which have a variety of expressions, share a consistent perspective of ``plants as living things,'' and address the theme of ``symbiosis and empathy'' toward modern society.
He has authored and supervised many books, including ``Flowers Speak.''